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4 Ways to Prepare for Your Winter Wedding

January 15, 2019

While there’s something truly magical about the Shore’s small towns covered in a blanket of snow, winter can be tough for your mind and body–especially when you throw the added stress of wedding planning into the mix. We don’t often think about preparing our health for a winter wedding, but our physical and mental health are at risk due to harsh winter conditions and the busy holiday season. Amidst all the celebrations at year’s end, we can easily become overwhelmed, get sick or worn out. It’s perhaps one of the toughest seasons to look and feel your absolute best considering the cold, dry weather and all the errands to get done in so little time. If you’re struggling to manage both your health and your thoughts before a white winter wedding, here are some ways to ensure you’re healthy and confident when the big day arrives:

— Hydrate —

Though a fairly easy task, drinking enough water is one that is easily forgotten. Cold air and sharp winds can dry out both your hair and skin which can become uncomfortable and unappealing–dry hair and skin can get difficult to manage with cracked skin and frizzy hair. Rather than simply using moisturizers for dry skin and treatments for cold sores, prepare your skin and hair so that these blemishes do not control your appearance and attitude. Drinking more water will hydrate your hair and skin which will avoid these winter effects. It also prevents you from getting sick, keeps you energized and improves your mood!

— Relax 

A winter wedding comes at a busy time of year where having time to get anything done can feel impossible. However, it is crucial that you find time to give your body and mind a break. After days of running wedding errands, don’t be afraid to take a day off from work or wedding planning.  Make sure to take time for the things you love, like yoga, meditation, or listening to music, or your favorite Netflix binge. Recognize your breaking point–even when it feels like you have hundreds of venues left to sift through, remind yourself that no task is more important to cater to than your health!

— Organize 

If you have a million things to do and it feels impossible to imagine them ever being finished, always start with a list. Consider hiring a planner, and schedule out your days ahead of time so that you aren’t blindsided when a deadline comes up. If you think you have plenty of time, don’t hesitate to get a head start and cross some of those things off your list (hello instant mood booster!). Use our Eastern Shore Bride Guide and enlist a few friends for a night of wedding planning and relaxing. Mastering time management can be very challenging during winter’s shorter days, but once you figure out how to prioritize your tasks you’ll be able to maximize your time and have more freedom for QT with your SO.

— Think Positively 

When you’re past the point of exhaustion, it’s time to change your mindset. Instead of dwelling on how much more is left to do, reflect on what you’ve already accomplished and how far you’ve come! If something isn’t coming together as planned, give yourself a moment to be upset and then adapt. Realize that things will work themselves out and not everything will always go exactly as you plan, especially when wedding planning. Instead of ‘I’ll never get this done in time’, think ‘What can I do to get this done in time?’ Face your challenges rationally, logically, and think positively. When the big day comes, the only thing you’ll have eyes for is each other anyway! 



Photography | Haley Rae Photography

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